saint patti's day and a giveaway

i'm sitting at the computer with a sad little baby in one hand, and a clingy lilybird at my leg. the older kids are playing baseball at the park with josiah.

thus the lowercase typing.

this was going to be my little window of time to blog, but hayden and lily have other plans.

so what was going to be a heartfelt post on parenting is going to be a photo dump, while i go do some heartfelt parenting.

the following pics were taken on saint patrick's day, thus the green theme. we had our traditional four leaf clover green pancakes too, but the photo is on my phone, and i can't pry my two youngest off to go retrieve it. i'm sure you can try to do a visual by my description anyway, right ?

here we go with the rest...

one more order of business before hayden completely loses it ..

in an effort to meet my minimum sales requirement for the month so that i can stay a valued scentsy consultant, i'm doing a giveaway.

order anything from my personal website - even a lightbulb ! - and leave a comment on this post telling me you did so, and you will be entered to win the warmer of your choice. you must order by march 31st, and shop from lily's basket party on my website. i'll draw the winner on april 2nd - because if i did it on april fool's day you might think it was a joke - and announce it here on the blog.

for ALL the world to see.

(insert your name here) has won a premium scentsy warmer of his/her choice .

just imagine the sensation when you tell all your friends.

what are you waiting for ??? go order now !!!

p.s. happy day after st. patti's day.

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