On the evening before Down Syndrome Awareness month begins, I have a dream. I have a dream that my little girl will be seen for the person she is first - instead of the syndrome. I have a dream that when people meet my daughter,...
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Just in case you didn't know... I am an officially certified Scentsy consultant. And in case you've never ordered Scentsy, you can find the above products (and more!) on my personal website. And I am happy to say that I am only TWO...
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It's Friday night and I'm wiped out.We woke up this morning to a broken pipe on our water heater, which resulted in water being sprayed ALL over our garage. We keep pretty much everything in our garage- it is our kids' gigantic playroom, as...
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I have a baby sleeping in one bedroom (Hayden) and a grandbaby in the other (Macie) and a stack of schoolwork to score. I was gone all yesterday - six and a half hours in the dental chair and three root canals and crowns - and I lived to tell...
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Just dropping in for a minute to share a couple things... I'll be back later with more, but #itsmonday. Enough said.I'm writing over HERE today ... you may have read the post (featured there) last year on A Perfect Lily, but just in case you...
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It's Monday morning here at the Rice Ranch, and after an eventful weekend, I am anxious to get back to the routine of homeschooling and laundry.Friday night Sam and I were visiting friends in McMinnville. We had our five youngest children...
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