This year we sent out New Years cards instead of Christmas cards. So in keeping with that way of thinking (always put off tomorrow what can be put off til tomorrow. or something like that) I am now going to do my Christmas post in January....
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This morning I read a blogpost that impacted me in such a profound way… probably because of the similarities in this family's story and mine.You can read about Maura HERE.  Many of you are already familiar with Reece's Rainbow… it...
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Don't fall over, but I'm posting for the second time in two days.It's raining out and my sweet husband just dropped off a soy decaf white mocha and I'm scrapbooking in between loads of laundry.Those three things are bringing me joy right now.Your...
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It's Monday…and things are moving verrrrry slowly at The Rice Ranch. I have one kid down with the yucky virus that has been sweeping through our household, and two kids on the mend. We have weekend laundry to catch up on... wait, who am I...
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Back in December I had the opportunity to meet a friend from online…Instagram, actually… and it was one of those occasions when you feel like you've known someone all your life, rather than just less than a year. I don't know if you've had...
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Hey, guess what ? I was just going through old pics in lightroom (editing software) and I found THE CUTEST photos, that I never had time to blog about. I mean THE CUTEST.But I don't have time to blog about them tonight either, because Hayden...
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